Wednesday, February 06, 2008

if one says that she is in denial
does that mean she is not in denial afterall

denial is a way to move things on
and let things be no matter how tough it can be
but when the reality smacks straight in your face
you start to wonder the weird logic of
"ignorance is bliss"

humans are controversial
sometimes they know that they cant wish or ask for more of something
and yet they wish they could have more of something

at this moment
i just wish i could still have her by my side
smoking and telling me her jap occupation stories
calling me her eldest baby ling
such fond memories of our youth
revealed at our deepest emotions
my hopes do not equate the reality and
i know that its time for me to give her my blessings
as its time for her to leave
and be happier to where she is today

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